Enchanted by islands

My holiday itinerary always seems to involve going to, or staying on, islands. I seem mysteriously to feel the pull of these often isolated places. There is something about that distance between shore and the mainland, viewed often from a deck of a ferry, as…

Novel Houses

Houses which give books a sense of place I was in Waterstones after Christmas browsing as you do when you have gift cards burning to be spent in your wallet. In the new book section, I spied a book title which intrigued me ’Novel Houses’…

The WEA in Jesmond

There are two WEA Classes which meet in Jesmond Library. Literature in Context started in September 2019 (Fridays, 1.30-3.30) and runs for 11 weeks each term. September’s session focused on how authors begin their novels, plays and poems. In January 2020 we started a new…

Read all about it!

Current Affairs Discussion Group Most Tuesdays at 10 o’clock the sound of many voices engaged in earnest discussion can be heard coming from the Catherine Cookson Room. This lively exchange of views is from  the Current Affairs Discussion Group which meets weekly at Jesmond Library….

English Conversation

An informal group for those wanting to improve their conversational English meets at the Library each Thursday morning. The session is hosted by Joan Parker, one of the Library volunteers. We asked Joan to tell us more about herself and the group. My degree was…