Current Affairs Discussion Group

Most Tuesdays at 10 o’clock the sound of many voices engaged in earnest discussion can be heard coming from the Catherine Cookson Room.
This lively exchange of views is from  the Current Affairs Discussion Group which meets weekly at Jesmond Library.
We asked convenor Ron Armstrong to tell us more about the Group.
There are 10 Sessions of 2 hours per week, with 10 Sessions in the Spring and 10 in the Autumn.  
The group is well attended, with an average of 12 – 16 persons per session. New members are welcome to join at any time. There is no obligation to attend every week although there is a discount for those wishing to attend all 10 sessions.
Cost: £3 per session OR £25 for 10 sessions if paid at the first session. All monies go towards the Library.
1. One member of the group leads the discussion on the last week’s papers for the first 50 minutes
2. Coffee break
3. One member of the group then leads a discussion for 50 minutes on a particular topic eg Should HS2 be stopped.  
To find out more you can email Ron Armstrong via the Events Secretary, or why not call in on Tuesday morning and join in that morning’s conversation and debate.