Erm… what day is it?

How many of us have a 2021 diary which, because of the ongoing restrictions and repeated exhortations to stay home, is still pristine and unused? This third lockdown means our normal routines have been disrupted. I wonder if you too find yourself unable to work…

Book Group

When we read a good book, something magical can happen. Locked down and in our own home we lose ourselves inside a fictional world, created by the imagination of the author but transformed into a virtual reality by our emotional response to the written word….

Browsing for books

There is a special delight in choosing a new book from the Library shelf. What will it be? A novel – crime, romance, historical or thriller – each provide a voyage of discovery to a fictional world peopled by characters formed in the imagination of…

Art Challenge

We are already challenging budding and established writers. Now we have something for the artists among you. The Library is asking you rise to a new challenge to keep yourselves busy in these strange times. As with the Creative Writing we will post a theme…

Staying connected

How very different lockdown would have been without technology to help us stay in touch with each other. Zoom, FaceTime, Skype, WhatsApp have all helped to make the separation from family and friends so much easier. Humorous gifs and memes have given us reason to…