Feeling Frazzled?

It’s not surprising if you are. The last year and a half has been tough going for everyone and the consequential adverse affect on mental health is widely recognised. Many library users have told us how much they appreciated the contribution Jesmond Library made to their…

Top Teds!

Teddy Bear Trail, 2021 There were lots of good looking ‘Teddies’ with great names in the Trail this year.  A BIG thank you to all hosts and Trailers who have helped to make this year’s efforts very worthwhile. Woodland Mews kindly donated their ‘Big Ted’…

Northumberland Day

Northumberland Day Northumberland Day is celebrated on 30 May this year.  The county day is an initiative begun 5 years ago by Langley Castle and is an opportunity to celebrate all things Northumbrian. There is plenty planned, both the day itself and the week before…

World Book Day

In the UK World Book Day is celebrated on the third Thursday in March. The charity behind it aims to ‘change lives through a love of books and shared reading’. This year children will be able to use their £1 gift vouchers to choose from…

Lost and Found

Last year in July 2020, when we could travel, we visited the RSPB’s Bempton Cliffs nature reserve in North Yorkshire. Every year from March to October the cliffs are host to 200,000 breeding seabirds Gannets, Puffins, Kittiwakes and Guillemots, all nesting on the chalk cliff…

Kung Hei Fat Choi!

This week marks the beginning of the new year in the Chinese calendar. Traditionally the event is celebrated with dragon dances, fire crackers and family gatherings. Sadly this year the celebrations will be more muted, even in Newcastle’s celebrated China Town where the many fabulous…

Anyone can draw? Yes, even you!

The ever popular Wellbeing for Life group meets again this week. Hosted jointly by the Elders’ Council for Newcastle and the Friends of Jesmond Library, the group currently meets online. Speed drawing your way through lockdown The next event on Wednesday 3rd February at 10.30am…