2024 Sporty Teddy Bear Trail

Another successful Teddy Bear Trail! This year it took a sporty theme. Thank you to all who hosted and participated.

Despite the rather wet weather, many children and grown-ups enjoyed finding the 32 active Teddies across quite a large section of our lovely Jesmond.

Sporty Teddies

Teddies were climbing mountains, playing tennis and football, running, swimming, ice skating and doing contact sports to name just some of the super creative ideas.

Over 260 forms were purchased raising much needed funds for the Library.

Of the forms taken 97 were returned.

Each child returning a form to the Library received a Teddy Treat.

The Winners

Winners of the lucky draw and the hosts of the favourite bears all receive confectionery prizes

Winners of the age group draws are as follows:

  • 5 and under: Harry E
  • 6 – 8: Emily B and Ethan B
  • 9 – 12:  Sebastian E
  • Adult: Suky D

The Winning Bears

So many Sporty Bears were ‘Favourites’ there was no outright ‘Best of Bears’ this year. However two bears each received the same number of top votes, so congratulations to our joint winners:

No. 8 Beth Ted-dle and No.15 N’Elly McArthur

Runner-up was No. 10 Messy Bear

Thanks go to Retties for printing of the Trail Forms, also to Tesco for the tasty treats and to Waitrose who supplied the confectionery prizes.
Thank you to everyone involved for supporting the Library.