Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be…” – Robert Browning

Wellbeing for Life meetings take place on the first Wednesday of each month. A lively and varied programme of events is organised jointly with the Elders Council of Newcastle and is aimed at older people.

Past events have included advice on avoiding fraudsters and scammers, how to keep fit and active, Climate Change and tracing the history of your house. Children from local primary schools have been involved in some sessions, such as sharing their ideas on reducing plastic waste and singing carols for us at the Christmas Celebration.

The next session at 10.30am on Wednesday 5th February will focus on health issues, showing how an understanding of our own health can help us cope with any issues we may face. 

Discussions are followed by light refreshments. (Eric’s home baked specialities are a highlight!) 

All are welcome so do spread the word and encourage people to join us.

Events are free to attend but donations are welcome.