
It’s Pumpkin carving time! The perfect opportunity to dress up in suitably fiendish garb and go ‘trick or treating’. Hallowe’en Crafts For the children we have a treat in the form of a craft afternoon on Thursday 31st October from 2 – 3.30 pm. Bring…

Judging a Booker

You cannot judge a book by its cover, so the saying goes. But if that cover happens to mention that the book has won a major prize then perhaps you may look upon it a little more favourably.  There are many literary awards made each…

Climate Action Month

A special programme of events focusing on the Climate Emergency will be taking place over the next few weeks, jointly planned by the Friends of Jesmond Library, the Women’s Institute and Extinction Rebellion. An exhibition and display of relevant information and a special book selection will…

Libraries Week

During Libraries Week this year we are encouraged to celebrate and explore how libraries are engaging communities in a digital world. As an independent library we have limited resources to offer a full range of technical services. However we do our bit to help. Jesmond Library offers…